Tatas Brotosudarmo - Fotos & Foto - Autore di München, Germania | fotocommunity Profilo di Tatas Brotosudarmo - Fotografo Tatas Brotosudarmo di München, Germania [fc-user:604929] - Dear friends, I come from Java island, Indonesia an
I come from Java island, Indonesia and I am now in Glasgow, UK.
Photography is one of my hobby beside playing guitar and reading and collecting books. I chose photography firstly because I am very bad in painting. So, photography is instant painting. Secondly, because I don´t like darkness!! The light is the heart of photography, whithout the light we can not produce any image.
I am just starting to learn photography in 2004. At the beginning, I decided to use Canon 500 combined with canon lens EF 35-85 mm 1:4-5.6 and tamron AF 70-300 mm 1:4-5.6 LD (Tele-marcro 1:2). I am still using this camera.
Recently, I am also using Panasonic Lumix FZ20 with the lens from Leica DC Vario-Elmarit. I like to take photograph with digital camera, since I can capture any objects and phenomenons as much as possible and come to the adventure of colors and light.
Thanks, that I could find Fotocommunity to share my photography and recieve comments, correction and advices for a better result in photography.
Hi Tatas:
I visited Bali in April this year. :)
Thanks so much, glad that you like them, I feel that there is indeed a very beautiful place as well! I had a good journey there.
Greeting from Russia
Beautiful profile, yes, we can't paint without light. Welcome to FC. I enjoyed looking through your portfolio of images. I've put you in my buddies list and will keep watching. The one I like most.
† Ute Allendoerfer 26/02/2016 20:43
Wunderschön:..t r a n s p a r e n t..
Tatas BrotosudarmoHow did you do this? LGute
Claude Coeudevez 11/07/2006 22:47
thank you for the support at the time of the voting for Burning stone,
I appreciate
Max Veronesi 09/07/2006 14:48
thanks for votingciao max
Rita VanDeemter 20/05/2006 0:49
Thank you Tatas for your kind comments on the "Keukenhof" photo. Nice to know you have seen it also :)greetings,
Katja Merones 17/03/2006 8:30
very great pictures!!greetinx katja
Helga Eiríksdóttir 27/09/2005 14:09
Hi Tatas, thank you for your comment. I think your photos are great, my favourite is ..transparent.. it is beautiful.Best wishes from Iceland.
Alex Fuchs 26/09/2005 13:12
So thank you for your work! Let's create more :0)Anastasiya Ivanova 22/09/2005 15:44
Hi Tatas:I visited Bali in April this year. :)
Thanks so much, glad that you like them, I feel that there is indeed a very beautiful place as well! I had a good journey there.
Greeting from Russia
When 14/09/2005 1:48
Greetings Tatas,Beautiful profile, yes, we can't paint without light. Welcome to FC. I enjoyed looking through your portfolio of images. I've put you in my buddies list and will keep watching. The one I like most.
Thausand of Candles
Tatas BrotosudarmoJaime Crystal Attenborough 08/09/2005 14:38
WELCOME TO FOTOCOMMUNITY !your photos are neat hope to see more and comment on them.
nice profile
jaime :)