Commenti 60

  • Jan Van Der Hooft 22/11/2006 17:18

    Ben eens naar die site toe gegaan wat je me liet weten, en er een op gezet moet je maar eens kijken of je hem ziet m'n naam is ook daar jeandela het is de foto vna op de dijk met de mist.
  • Alfred Spectrum 08/11/2006 4:48

    Mooi, zo krijg ik eens wat plaatjes ui NL te zien. Great shots. Groeten uit USA.
  • John Moore 08/10/2006 0:30

    Hello Rita dear, how are you girl?
    Have not been on much as the connection here in the rain forest is very poor.
    I am on my daughters property, helping to manicure the massive gardens.
    Hard work, but she and her partner work away for ten days and have four off.
    I am still tramping around like a gypsy.
    How are things over your way?
    I hope that life is treating you both well?
    Groete an almal en lekker bly.
    Bless you.

  • Theo Weijmer 21/06/2006 9:11

    Thanks for your comment. The happy family fall apart due to our cat, he aet three of the seven young ones, it's a real pitty.

    Greetings Theo
  • Véronique Soulier 09/06/2006 7:22

    thanks for nice comments.. see you ! Véronique
  • Robert L. Roux 09/06/2006 7:15

    to a favourite friend ... ;))
  • Arnd U. B. 25/05/2006 15:17

    Unfortunately, I havn't time enough to comment your photographs in a strict manner. Therefore in this way my best wishes and kind regards

  • Véronique Soulier 08/03/2006 10:48

    thanks for your message, I really enjoy FC..
    cheers Véronique
  • Reinhard Wernsmann 05/03/2006 12:48

    Natuurlijk bedoel ik alleen maar de goede dingen van
    Holland, behalve dat het iets te klein is kan ik niets nadeligs zien. grapje
    Ich hoffe wir sehen noch viel ' van het mooije land'
  • Valfoto 28/12/2005 14:25

    Thank you for yor comment about my shot "Love kiss?"
    Greetings, Manuel
  • Sergio Pessolano 25/12/2005 19:49

    Hi Rita,
    Thank you for taking time to comment my photo "Tribeswoman With Baby". Yes, you are right. Some of these ethnic minorities of Orissa tribes area look a little like African people. This woman come from Gadhaba people area. I re-wrote the caption better. Thank you for your help.
  • Füsun Özler 25/12/2005 13:16

    Hi Rita,
    Thank you very much for your kind interest of my photo named ''deep blue'', regards...
  • Jeff Ceuppens 25/12/2005 11:33

    Bedankt voor de comments bij het beeld van de drie kittens.

    Groetjes uit het zonnige België

  • Dietmar Mueller 19/12/2005 18:04

    Vielen Dank!!!
    Lg dietmar
  • Sergio Pessolano 18/12/2005 18:33

    Hi Rita,
    Have a great week. I will inform you when I will upload more images in my personal FC Gallery.
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