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text_268_A  ___ROMA NUN FA' LA STUPIDA___

text_268_A ___ROMA NUN FA' LA STUPIDA___

9.507 11

text_268_A ___ROMA NUN FA' LA STUPIDA___


Commenti 11

  • Ansgar Leuthner 05/04/2022 10:38

    ...you say it. As long as there are arms, there will be war...and behind all that stands the fear of the other, the foreigner, the stranger...deep down inside we'll never trust anybody who is a stranger to us...and so we get armed to protect us...it's always the same: first change the minds, than the other changes will follow...But mankind always goes the other way: first change the society, the culture or whatever - but those efforts are senseless because we didn't change or menaings and minds....oh, Crissy, that's a vast area....Ciao, mia cara amica, buona giornata - Ansgar
    • ann mari cris aschieri 05/04/2022 14:34

      First:The title refers to a well-known Italian song from the musical "Rugantino" of 1962, but the advice is addressed to the Italian Government who in Rome is located...
      Second: What you say might be virtually true, but we had to wake up earlier and pay attention to what was happening around us. 
      Now we have fallen into the trap and we have all been caught: beautiful, ugly, good, bad, stupid and intelligent, without any difference we’ve been fooled.
      Freedom is lost, democracy too, We are driven towards a goal that does not concern us any more, but only the few big ones who rule the world according to their own interests.
      I’m very sad having to become aware of this...
      CIAo Brother, buona giornata.
    • Ansgar Leuthner 05/04/2022 15:37

      ...I never thought, that I sometimes would live in a science-fiction-horror-story like that...and you're so right, my sister - we all lived in a dream of humanity and peace and wealth and we didn't notice, that there were others who didn't share this dream. The awakening is hard...very hard...Ciao, love - Ansgar
  • Tonino Di Marzio 05/04/2022 7:26

    "Motecitorio, nun fà cazzate." Sarebbe stato il titolo giusto, e ti assicuro che il campanilismo non c'entra nulla. Comunque un buon effetto.
    • ann mari cris aschieri 05/04/2022 11:17

      Il senso è quello, ma volevo essere più soft per rispetto al sito, non certo verso di loro.
      Comunque siamo stati tutti agguantati dentro un ingranaggio che, per chi lo manovra, noi rappresentiamo solo la polvere da spazzar via.
      CIAo e grazie del feedback!
  • Robert L. Roux 05/04/2022 1:24

    your art is so beautifully poignant - if only this madness would end ... 
    16:23 dormi bene


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