Su di me

I live in the Netherlands and I am a singer in Fleetwood Mac tribute band. " Fleetwood Back". I love photography and digital editing

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain.

Commenti 8

  • hensken 11/08/2022 18:52

    Danke für deine lobe und commentar zu meinen Fotos. l.g hensken
  • lrphotography888 07/08/2022 23:03

    Greetings Norma, what a great portfolio you have! Thank you for your presence, visits and likes to my photographic work. Cheers!
  • Rob Nagelhout 04/08/2022 6:04

    Hoi Norma, bedankt voor je leuke welkom en waardering van mijn oude werk.
    En ja, jammer van mijn hobby maar het is niet anders na 55jaar fotografie.
    Leuk om te lezen dat je zingt in een tribute band en dan Fleetwood Mac, niet de minste.
  • sawsengee 03/08/2022 12:36

    Thank you Norma for your kind comments on my Fleetwood Mac especially Dreams and Go your own way.   You have quite a unique way of photo editing.  Greetings to you from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
  • Radu Ruican 29/07/2022 10:53

    Thank you very much for the many likes. Your portfolio is from the finest.
    Best regards, Radu
  • Gabi Jaeger 27/07/2022 21:30

    Hallo Norma!
    +++Deine Bilder und Deine Stimme
    begeistern mich.+++
    Herzlichen Dank für Dein Lob zu meinen Bildern.
    Liebe Grüße
  • Matthias Moritz 21/07/2022 1:10

    Hi, Norma!
    It was newly published and by chance I started my collection of vinyl records with „Rumors“. Until today I am a fan of Fleetwood Mac :-))

    A warm welcome to fotocommunity! 

  • Robert L. Roux 20/07/2022 15:37

    your first pictures are super - 
    welcome !
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Sony A7III
Nikon 7100