JonathanMark Wollin

Free Account, Milwaukee

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I'm a freelance photographer and I am also apart a photo studio working in with fashion photo shoots there. All my pictures are apart of a bigger picture, which are in my portfolio called "pieces". They are all bound to each other some ways. All of them are real pictures from my life, containing real people, real events, real looks, and real places. Some are set up some are not. Recognizing ambiguities is a very important key while reaching the solution. I am not trying to capture physical beauty, which is considered as the goal of art by many people. I am trying to capture the psychology apart from visual values. You should look at them for at least a minute, and try to see them. Some sort of goal is generally bound to the image, and the piece, and the person in the image, and me, in more than one ways. They are ambiguous from many perspectives. Try to understand in what conditions the particular photo at hand was shot. What is my relationship with those people, who are they, what are they doing and the most important, what do they think. Make psychoanalysis of my pictures. But also include my psychoanalysis in you thinking, since they are real people, and it’s my real life. You must also remember the other photos in the bigger picture of things are to realize the connections and evaluate the photo in the wider context, such that, a photo, which can be regarded as uninspiring can mean a lot in the context of the piece. I think that the art is to realize that there is no "beautiful", since beauty is a relative concept. And it is art to understand relativity, since realizing it leads to understanding a very important way of human thinking, which is called "being open minded" among the natural languages. Artists are open-minded people who can see that there is no beauty, since they are open minded, since they know that some can regard some work as beautiful, and regarded as not beautiful by others. I like to create images that empower the viewer to have an intense emotional response that enriches their experience of being alive. Images of fashion that will care about beauty? I have this idea that beauty in pictures is a lot like beauty in people: it gets attention, but it has little or no value of its own. This is why, I believe, pictures of beautiful young people--or flowers or sunsets, etc.--are usually shallow and forgettable: they have little content other than the subject's beauty, and do it with style. Instead of just pale, smooth flesh there is the shine and texture, is the overall sense of softness and yet boldness. Like most of my photos there is a strong implication of the presence of an unseen person outside the frame who the model is reacting to. That person might be the photographer but could just as easily be any person sliced from every day life. That possibility adds a strong element of tension to the images.

Commenti 5

  • Dirk Hofmann 13/09/2004 18:43

    hi jonathan ...

    welcome to!

    i found your photo "hardship" and was highly impressed. it took me to your profile and i have to say: i never saw a profile here which came closer to my thoughts of photography than yours ...

    well spoken ... and i can't wait to see more of your "non-fashion-shots"

    regards from el paso, tx
  • Adrian C. Nitu 07/09/2004 21:59

    Hi and welcome!
  • Geri H. 28/08/2004 20:39

    greez ,-)))
  • Susann Loessin 21/08/2004 19:47

    buddy up :O)

    lg, susann
  • Alexander Heinrichs 21/08/2004 14:24

    Let me say hello to you in the fc. Have fun and enjoy the images.
    I hope, to see more pictures from you.

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