Deb Watts

Free Account, western North Carolina

Su di me

Photography is rapidly becoming my new hobby. I am going to stumble my way through until I get it right. I know very little about it, other than it's beautiful and I love it. There is much to see and do, and I am on my way....

Commenti 2

  • Rona 29/03/2010 15:22

    Vielen Dank für Deine nette Anmerkung.
    Herzliche Grüße Rona.
  • Deb Watts 29/03/2010 4:16


    Photography is rapidly becoming my new hobby. I am going to stumble my way through until I get it right. I know virtually nothing about it, other than it's beautiful. There is much to see and do, and I am on my way....
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  • 6 5
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