Su di me
Hi to all visitors from around the world... thanks for having a look
I'm Andy from the north west of England.
My favourite subject is landscape & nature but I photograph anything that I find interesting or unusual.
Feel free to comment & criticise, I'm interested to hear why you like or dislike my photos.
When I leave a comment, I sometimes say how I would have done things differently - don't worry, this is not a criticism of your work ... it is just an observation. I welcome the same from you.
I'm Andy from the north west of England.
My favourite subject is landscape & nature but I photograph anything that I find interesting or unusual.
Feel free to comment & criticise, I'm interested to hear why you like or dislike my photos.
When I leave a comment, I sometimes say how I would have done things differently - don't worry, this is not a criticism of your work ... it is just an observation. I welcome the same from you.
ibiART 13/01/2019 0:00
Thank you for visiting, for many praise, favor my photos, and that you follow me.Best regards
redfox-dream-art-photography 11/04/2018 19:44
Great varied gallery, dear Andy!best wishes, redfox
Gelo Charro 15/03/2017 21:46
Muchas gracias, AndyUn saludo
Gelo CharroGelo Charro 12/03/2017 23:03
Gracias, AndySaludos
A Miguel Dandrea
Gelo CharroLaura BlackWings 28/03/2016 15:46
Thank you for your comments :)Mariusz Arts 26/09/2015 21:29
Wir haben keinen blassen Schimmer vor der Dunkelheit, die uns nicht nur erfrieren lässt sondern eventuell auch das Leben aus hinaussaugt "Weiterverbreiten" Widerstand!"Für sichere Netze" nicht unbedingt Dunkelheit! Widerstand
Tania Skaradek 17/02/2015 0:39
Thank you, Andy!Return home from Vilnius few hours ago with many new photos:-)
Best regards
gemblue 02/02/2015 14:40
Es schneit noch immer.....
gembluegemblue 28/12/2014 21:37
After the first Snow
gemblueWishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Tania Skaradek 20/10/2014 1:58
Thank you, Andy, for your kind words;-)Best regards
Tania Skaradek 14/09/2014 1:53
Thanks, Andy:-)Best regards
gemblue 01/09/2014 0:58
The Blue Ones
gemblueMuch appreciated.
Greetings, Gi
Nadine Oberwörder 28/06/2014 20:36
Andy! Haven't heard from you for a while. Are you alright?Nadine
nicola figliuolo 14/06/2014 19:29
Tank you very much AndyRegards Nicola
Tania Skaradek 06/05/2014 1:24
In Norway it's usual, but not in Lithuania;-)Thanks, Andy!
All the best