Andrej Nagode - Fotos & Foto - Autore di Vrhnika(Slovenia), Slovenia | fotocommunity Profilo di Andrej Nagode - Fotografo Andrej Nagode di Vrhnika(Slovenia), Slovenia [fc-user:877160] - I like photography. That's all ;-).
Thank you very much for your kind comment on my shot of Edinburgh castle. I am looking at your portfolio just now, and your work is stunning.
best wishes,
Hallo Andrej,
die Weihnachtstage sind ja inzwischen vorbei und ich hoffe Du hattest schöne Tage.
Ich wünsche Dir für das Jahr 2012 alles Gute,vor allem Gesundheit und Frieden und ganz viele schöne Fotomotive.
LG Gabi
Canan Oner 22/12/2013 14:39
Have a very Merry Christmas and a New Year with your lovely family Andrej.Hugs to you all,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Canan OnerClaireLaira 22/12/2013 13:03
Joyeux Noël
ClaireLairaLawson McCulloch 25/05/2013 10:32
Thank you very much for your kind comment on my shot of Edinburgh castle. I am looking at your portfolio just now, and your work is wishes,
King. Kai 01/01/2013 23:08
Hi Andrej, nice to meet you here again! I'll send you best wishes for the new year and always the best mighty light you'll Kai
Guglielmo Antonini 25/12/2012 17:08
Guglielmo AntoniniRalf Zeeh 23/12/2012 12:24
Ein frohes und besinnliches Weihnachten.Ralf
Frohe Weihnachten
Ralf ZeehCanan Oner 21/12/2012 15:34
Mery Christmas and A Happy New Year ..
Canan OnerFons van Swaal 21/12/2012 11:37
Amsterdam Vallon 06/11/2012 18:34
thank you, mate. i appreciate it. cheers, a.v.-
Amsterdam VallonFons van Swaal 31/12/2011 12:57
Thanks a lot for all the comment throughout the past year...
Best wishes..
Gabriele Benzler 27/12/2011 16:25
Hallo Andrej,die Weihnachtstage sind ja inzwischen vorbei und ich hoffe Du hattest schöne Tage.
Ich wünsche Dir für das Jahr 2012 alles Gute,vor allem Gesundheit und Frieden und ganz viele schöne Fotomotive.
LG Gabi
Canan Oner 15/12/2011 13:44
Wishing you all the best...Fons van Swaal 12/12/2011 14:29
Gianni Boradori 18/11/2011 7:56
Ciao Andrej, grazie!!!AUTUMN IN FLORENCE
Gianni BoradoriCanan Oner 17/09/2011 16:07