Aleksander Lange

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Su di me

Hi everyone!
I'm a selftought photographer from Poland.I will not say more things about myself,instead, I'll let my photos do the talking.I hope they have a lot to say.If not....what am I doing here :) ????

Commenti 4

  • walter van pottelberghe 16/03/2009 18:57

    Hello Alexander,
    Thanks a lot for your kind comments on "sapphostication 01". Greetz Walter
  • Quantxx 10/03/2009 9:51

    Vielen Dank Alex
  • Pawel Majewski 04/03/2009 7:57

    Czesc! Witaj na FC. Masz ciekawe zdjecia. Mam nadzieje, ze pokazesz ich wiecej.
  • John Moore 19/05/2005 22:32

    Welcome to FC, I hope you have a most enjoyable time here and add more photos for us to view.
    Thank you!!!
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