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Waterfront house for sale

Waterfront house for sale

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Waterfront house for sale

Einer der Gruende warum Haueser direkt am Wasser in Florida recht guenstig sind: man weiss nie wer alles zum Fruehstueck auf der Terasse ist.

Kleiner Nachtrag aus aktuellem Anlass (Quelle: Fox News Tampa):
Wildlife officials have captured and killed an alligator they believe killed a Bartow man. Some children found the body of 56 year old Don Owen near Six-Pound Pond in Lakeland. The man was reported missing on Thursday when he didn't show up for work. Investigators believe he was having car trouble when he pulled over near the pond to call for help. Wildlife officials tracked down the nearly nine-foot gator.. and found remains in its stomach. Experts say this is a prime example of why it's illegal to feed alligators. They get used to seeing humans as a source of food. They get especially aggressive this time of year, which is mating season

Commenti 4

  • Judith Wachsmann 21/03/2005 15:33

    Och, Du - danke, ich mach`doch gerade Diät -
    ich kann leider nicht kommen ...
  • JA K 21/03/2005 15:20

    @ Andreas:
    I'm at the other side of the pond, waiting to get my bike back ;-)
    @ Jule
    Was moechtest du zum Fruehstueck? ;-)
  • Judith Wachsmann 21/03/2005 8:23

    Hmmm - auch eine Möglichkeit, lästige Besucher loszuwerden - man lädt sie einfach zum Frühstück ein
  • Andreas Bothe 21/03/2005 7:10

    Thats an amazing story...

    But in this picture:Where is the biker?
    Should he have been the breakfast for the alligator?
    We d'ont know, we only see the bike.....
    And where is Joerg ? Does he swim with his camera??

    Greetings Andreas