1.127 4

Enzo Leprai

Premium (World), Arezzo

watch me

Look at me, look at me better
you think you see an old malice
I am a child who runs in the square
I am a curious boy with bright eyes
I am a young man in love
I am a revolutionary student
I am a person who has worked a lot
I am a faithful husband
I'm a thoughtful grandfather
I'm a man who lost his partner
I am a fighter who never gives up
look at me, look at me better

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Visto da 1.127


Fotocamera Canon EOS 700D
Obiettivo EF28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Diaframma 8
Tempo di esposizione 1/250
Distanza focale 90.0 mm
ISO 100

Hanno messo mi piace