Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Thank You

Thank you for all your support - my photo made it into the gallery by just one vote :-))))).

Summertime Fun (2)
Summertime Fun (2)
Adele D. Oliver

This image is from last week - taken from Vesuvius Bay on Saltspring Island and looking across to Vancouver Island .... had a great time with excellent weather.
Home one day - an urgent phonecall from my daughter in Mexico, I am leaving tomorrow ... and don't know when I'll be back. Hope to get on the net there. So sorry to miss so many of your photos - and no time to comment now.

Commenti 46


Cartelle Sailing
Visto da 2.602


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diaframma 3.2
Tempo di esposizione 1/50
Distanza focale 10.6 mm
ISO 80