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Suche nach der Top subtropische Meile der Welt

Suche nach der Top subtropische Meile der Welt

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Suche nach der Top subtropische Meile der Welt

The quest for the most exclusive mile in the subtropics, first in the northern hemisphere.

This seashore heralds the smallest sum of heating and cooling degree days in the world (1).
But it's too windy to be considered as the mildest climate in the world, since the peninsula is exposed to the trade winds.

The view towards west, revealing the differences to the north coast, shows why the place we looking for has to be along a south shore.

1 -
Heating Degree Days (HDD)
A unit, based upon temperature difference and time, used in estimating fuel consumption and specifying nominal heating load of a building in winter. For any one day, when the mean temperature is less than 65 degrees F (18 degrees C), there exists as many degree days as there are Fahrenheit degrees difference in temperature between the mean temperature for the day and 65 degrees F.

Cooling Degree Days (CDD) - replace "winter" with "summer", "heating" with "cooling" and "less" with "more" in HDD definition.

Commenti 1

  • Denis DONTENVILLE 10/12/2007 19:25

    Was nicht gut an deine Fotos ist, ist das du meistens nicht schreibst wo es ist, was fur Landschaftfotos, ein grosses Teil vom Interest verliert.
    A Landscape photo, without knowing what we see loses a big part of its interest for me and for most people.
    Hope you will add the info for this one, and for the others.