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Reflections on a Shooter's Path

Reflections on a Shooter's Path

1.566 4

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Reflections on a Shooter's Path

I wonder if I could have been any better than I have strived.

I wonder if I could have seen any clearer than I did.

I wonder if what was could have been any more.

Ah, That’s me trying to adjust

to what I am.

I wonder when we are gone.

Will anyone see what we had become.

I wonder if just one thought will preserve.

That thought on how I felt that day when you saw me when all was untangled.

Ah I thought. That is all of us reflecting just before the sound of fingers

stop tapping on keys to express from our camera that now lay rest from
visual lyrics.

Good Job...I vote to you.

Glenn Capers

A walk around my dreams

Commenti 4

  • Dagi.H. 25/11/2014 7:35

    Dreams are the reflection of our hidden desires and wishes that we often do not dare to think aloud.
    The photo shows the transience of life and the hope of a new beginning.
    Dreams - if they are not nightmares, can also prepare a pleasure to show tiny glimmer of hope on the horizon.
    Wishes you a nice week
  • Vera Shulga 15/11/2014 12:11

    so beautiful photo for your afterthought..
    greetings, vera
  • Oana H. 06/11/2014 10:29

    sometimes dreams can become true! All is to believe in ourselves and our dreams.....fascinating landscape full of emotions unknown.
  • Maud Morell 05/11/2014 16:00

    The question of the meaning of life is probably the meaning of life.
    Very nice your photo, beautiful colors, your text.
    Dear Greetings from Maud


Cartelle Landscape
Visto da 1.566


Fotocamera E-M10
Obiettivo OLYMPUS M.45mm F1.8
Diaframma 5
Tempo di esposizione 1/250
Distanza focale 45.0 mm
ISO 400