Tom K.

Free Account, an der Mosel

Made in England...

Riley RMA 1 1/2 Litre von 1947 vor einer Werkstatthalle in Bridport/Dorset. Mit immerhin 55PS brachte die Lady uns sicher über 2,300km in Ihre alte Heimat Salcombe/Devon und wieder zurück.

Commenti 3

  • Michael P. Brauner 04/01/2013 19:35

    Made in proud of it!!
    Klasse aufgenommen, die alte Lady.

    Gruß Michael
  • Tommy Tomov 31/12/2012 1:58

    OK, I guess, booze got the better off me, so here is the corrected version:

    A brave british lady...looking as self-sufficient and not needing any care as she wish she was...

    Be glad for those moments, dear Sir (and yor Dame, by the way)
  • Il commento è stato nascosto dal proprietario dell'immagine