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Hans Georg Gemünden 01/04/2010 0:34
+++hrishikesh thakur 31/05/2009 17:22
+++Maguire 10/11/2008 21:47
+++++snegnij barsik 15/05/2008 13:41
really greatPeter Kis kalóz 19/07/2006 18:46
+++Regards, Peter:)
N. Nescio 16/07/2006 1:58
good action!lg gusti
Zornica Miladinova 18/03/2006 2:08
So charmy!Korkut Çoruh 27/01/2006 20:56
Beautiful atmosphere...Dario Grzelj 10/01/2006 11:10
great :)Mircea Tiron-Tudor 06/01/2006 12:40
I like it very much. A lot of power and tenderness.Regards, Mircea
Radovan Grkovski 27/12/2005 23:57
+++++Radovan Grkovski 27/12/2005 23:53
love it, very well captured.Sergio Pessolano 06/12/2005 19:26
Very creative, excellent atmosphere.Victor Servián 05/12/2005 14:17
Magnificas siluetas. Me gusta.Jeremy B 17/11/2005 19:33
Unique approach to this shot. I like it. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.Regards,
(thanks for the recent comment)