5.103 53

Commenti 53

  • Ev S.K. 21/06/2011 23:31

    Herrlich.. wann erlebt man so etwas, der Hund als Bewacher einer Gänsefamlie!
    Danke für deinen netten Besuch bei mir
    und liebe Grüsse
  • s. sabine krause 20/01/2009 9:02

    this is really touching!!! shepherd dogs are great!! just last week someone told me a funny story about his australian shepard: he had to buy him a chicken to keep him busy, and from that day on the chicken was under very close observation. sometimes, when the dog was in a foul mood, he would allow it only very little room… then again on better days let it move around freely… best wishes, sabine.
  • Kein Namen 17/01/2009 20:32

    Tolle Momentaufnahme!

    LG, Bernd
  • Eva T 26/12/2008 23:58

    Very good shot in black and white :-)
  • Rosa Phil-Li 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

  • Günter Nau 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

    P R O
  • Anoli 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

  • Dominique Duriot 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

    funny but sorry not gallery for me
  • DRAGA PUC 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

  • Luca Ciardiello 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

  • Michael Grotkamp 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

  • Saska S. 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

  • Stefano Todde 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

  • Koola 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto

    +++ PRO +++
  • Claude Coeudevez 16/12/2008 13:40 Commento di voto
