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First Great Western, Paddington Station - No.1

First Great Western, Paddington Station - No.1

3.310 2

Steve Ember

Premium (World)

First Great Western, Paddington Station - No.1

The bright sunshine of this November afternoon filtering through the magnificent trainshed at London’s Paddington Station, combined with the angle and telephoto compression and the gleaming contours of the steel cladding tend to give this arriving First Great Western Railway express train a somewhat impressionistic appearance.

But shining through, unsullied by “impressionistic” distraction, are the Elgar-stout elements that proudly identify this as a consummately British locomotive. Its placards honor The 11th Explosive Ordinance Disposal Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps. The white lettering below attests to the sound balance of this handsome diesel electric machine and the smaller plaque proudly states that its smooth running electrical innards were “Re-engineered by Brush Traction.”

Have you read a good locomotive lately?

Photo + Design ©2013/2015 Steve Ember

Hurrying off to Heathrow
Hurrying off to Heathrow
Steve Ember

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