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Dreams Can Happen at The Arcade

Dreams Can Happen at The Arcade

1.057 1

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Dreams Can Happen at The Arcade

I like the shot because its back lit , mixed lighting, colors painted on glass and indoors in a time Arcade establishment.

Beside the art work captures a young man's imagination on the subject of getting lucky with a perfect women. Warning . I don't think there any that look like this.. If you find one. throw up the red flag.

Commenti 1


Cartelle Faces
Visto da 1.057


Fotocamera NIKON 1 V1
Obiettivo 10.0 mm f/2.8
Diaframma 3.5
Tempo di esposizione 1/25
Distanza focale 10.0 mm
ISO 800