2.544 4

Steve Ember

Premium (World)

Coming and Going

A Bunch of Busy BR-143s in the Bahnhof.

Mainz Hbf

©Steve Ember

Based on some of the dialog this photo elicited, I offer you...

Commenti 4

  • s. sabine krause 22/08/2010 9:10

    humor is a good "thing"! in fact, it's a terrific "thing"! a "thing" that makes us laugh about others and about ourselves, our own little imperfections – the later, i believe, does not come naturally to us germans, but if throughout our lives we are lucky enough to ever get ahold of that quality ; )), i think, we should cherish it and desperately hold on to it! matthias's comment made me chuckle. it's funny, and it's true, and it's an example of "laughing about yourself"! no offense, i'm sure! it's just some good old prejudiced fun; ))! loosening up is a so much nicer feeling than being foced to go "zum lachen in den keller" ; ))! – – nice (controversial ; )!) shot again, steve! i'm sure the people on the platform are all looking forward to the charming english announcements spat at them by ze hard-wörking deutsche bahn staff, living proof of the fact that nobody is perfect, not even the germans ; ))! lg, sabine.
  • Steve Ember 21/08/2010 16:53

    C'mon fellas...
    I love accents. I do a playful German accent myself, and I experience no hurtful feelings should one tweak me on meine Amerikanische Deutsch accent ;-)
    Viel Spass - Keine Sorgen!
  • Thomas Reitzel 21/08/2010 16:43

    @Matthias, no, he instead had to withstand the terrific accent of his guide... but why making cheap fun about the accent of these people, who haven´t studied nor often learned English from scratch? -

    I´d like to hear ANY American having not learnt German in school and having to make an announcement in German on any train/plane/whatever!

    Also consider: Not anyone has a talent for learning languages, all the more if the basics are missing!

    So look at yourself and your speaking talent, go pull your own leg before making fun of hard working people who do not have a choice but do their job as good as they can!

    By the way: Deutsche Bahn also has some good English speakers, would you believe? I do, prove!

  • Matthias Mempel 21/08/2010 11:13

    Interesting how its re-colored. I like that.
    Hope you've enjoyed "trävelling wizz Teutsche Bahn". Did you hear it announcing with terrific German accent?
    Regards, Matthias