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Cloudy Dreams in The Bermuda Triangle

Cloudy Dreams in The Bermuda Triangle

3.002 7

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Cloudy Dreams in The Bermuda Triangle

There are times nature reflects the state of condition people all endure. Here in Costa Rica there is a division where the Caribbean's are mostly in the eastern coast line and are forgotten. The again there seems to be no unfair opportunity to develop. However there is no University, and All the Caribbean men seem to be sitting on the corner floating from smoke, which is my observation. When the women can they leave. WHat is said is they simply don't want to work. Maybe in this idyllic environment this is the only drug you need along with a few good friends. One thing for sure wen you beach comb here the real world vanishes and you drop out of sight as if in the bermuda triangle.

Commenti 7


Cartelle Landscape
Visto da 3.002


Fotocamera NIKON D700
Obiettivo AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/3.3-4.5
Diaframma 16
Tempo di esposizione 1/200
Distanza focale 35.0 mm
ISO 100