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Causeway to the second level of Preah Vihear Temple

Causeway to the second level of Preah Vihear Temple

9.198 0


Premium (World), Bangkok

Causeway to the second level of Preah Vihear Temple

1998 I made my first attempt to visit Khao Phra Vihaan. After passing through several Thai Army checkpoints, I reached the border, but couldn't enter the complex due to the reoccupation of the monument by a Khmer Rouge Unit.

In 2000, my wife and I tried another visit; we were successful and the following is what happened on our one day visit to Khao Phra Vihaan or in Cambodian language Phnom Praeh Vihaer.

The photo was shot by a conventional Ektachrome 50 ASA slide film and scanned with a NIKON CoolScan 5000 ED.

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Cartelle Prasat Preah Vihear
Visto da 9.198


Fotocamera Nikon COOLSCAN V ED
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