1.980 26


I took this picture in Banja Luka, the 2nd largest city in B&H.
This lady was selling her crotched works sitting on a little stool in a shadow of a tree.
I stopped by to have a look and felt pity for her having to work in the 40C heat. I’m not keen on crotched works at all but she was so persuasive she managed to sell me a tablecloth. You could see how happy she was! So I asked if I could take a picture of her which made her even more happy. She showed me her identity card to prove she really was 93 (she was!) and tidied her headscarf. Then she “paid” me for the picture with a little crotchet tablecloth and wouldn’t hear of any refusal. So, feeling guilty that such a poor woman gave me a present, I bought two tablecloths more!:)) On our parting she was sending me kisses and wishing me good health. My young Serbian guide who was watching us and helping at times with our communicating just burst out laughing when we walked away, said the lady was the master of marketing and kindly led me to the nearest bank as I ran out of all my Serbian money:)

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