Jessica Persson

Free Account, Uppsala

Su di me

Hello and welcome to my profile.
I am a woman living on the beautiful east coast of Sweden about 3 hours from the capital Stockholm.

Today I photograph most things but not weddings because I don't have that time.
I started photographing 2008 with a Nikon D40, In April 2013 I bought my Nikon D7000 that I still photographing with today. But still, I wish to have afforded with a Nikon D850 or D6, because I want to start photographing the night sky and need something more.

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Ricevuti / Dati


  • Fotografo/a (principiante)
  • Designer di immagini
  • Interessato/a di fotografia
  • Fotomodella (principiante)


Nikon D7000
Nikkor 50mm