1.216 3

Sandra Perkov

Free Account, Belgrade

Commenti 3

  • Gabriel de Sousa Junior 16/09/2008 14:14

    Tenho, em meus planos e sonhos, uma viagem a Veneza.

    Parabens pela bela imagem.

    Translated to English with Google Translator:

    I have in my plans and dreams, a trip to Venice.

    Congratulations on the beautiful image.

  • Darek 08 15 19/06/2006 11:59

    Wow,ein absolut geniales foto.Ich finde die farben einfach nur,saaaugut,das motiv ist gut gewählt.Einfach toll !!! LG Darius
  • Hanspeter Egger 14/05/2006 13:57

    very beautiful coulors....