542 6

† wovo

Premium (World), Rhens (bei Koblenz)

r u s t


v e r g ä n g l i c h
v e r g ä n g l i c h
† wovo

where those parts belong to:

Commenti 6

  • Lydia S. 11/09/2006 10:22

    schöne technische Details, die du in Szene setzt... hier mag ich auch die Farben sehr!
  • Hopy Familianto 11/09/2006 5:46

    nicely done....
  • Pascal Viyer 11/09/2006 4:09

    Excellent macro
  • † wovo 10/09/2006 21:07

    Thanks all.

    @ John - you can see the bolt on that pic with the wheel - see link above - on the right side of the wheel below the screws just up of the leave /which I removed to take the Photo) . The head of the bolt was looking forward some cm. from the background.
  • John Bennett 10/09/2006 21:01

    I'm glad we try to grow old gacefully and not rusty instead, though my bones would disagree with that comment. wonderful texture, Wo Vo. Interesting how you got that bolt thing in focus and the rest defused, must have been a very narrow dof.
    Greetings John.
  • Cees Kuijs 10/09/2006 19:30

    Excellent, abstract picture, in monochrome colors.
    Greetings, Cees