4.676 13

Rob Wells

Free Account, Chatham/London

Pointless Pet

This little critter has accounted for an entire afternoon of my life....spent arguing as to whether it is a more useless pet than a rabbit.

Commenti 13

  • Dennis Veldman 17/09/2005 12:27

    t think he is looking for NEMO...
  • When 21/08/2005 3:00

    There seems to be an epidemic of usless pet goldfish pictures. We pretty much enjoy our goldfish because she is fairly useless - at least I thought she was until she became my model.
  • Dana Jeandron 19/08/2005 5:17

    Hey! I have a rabbit and goldfish!! They always put a smile on my face, so not useless for me! Nice pic by the way ;-)))))
  • Paul Hinndes 18/08/2005 18:11

    I like this photo with the colors. I think the fish looks angry. :-P
    Well done! :-))
  • Vanessa Torres 15/08/2005 23:12

    I think like Elaine.. you used in a very good way your useless pet.. lol..
    Very good and vibrant colors.. sooo good !!! and contrasting the orange with the dark ... :)
  • Elaine Liebenbaum 09/08/2005 15:22

    just looked up pillock sorry didnt know what it meant :-)
    I really think you found the best use out of this useless pet.
    Try a snake instead, they feel good.
  • Stu Good 08/08/2005 14:29

    Mr Wells, I am very disappointed with you. If you must cook the rabbit you could at least have the decency to eat the poor thing ! :-(

    (Although I don't eat Rabbit either)

    For what it's worth Rabbits and fish have about the same use as pets in my opinion. They are both nice to look at but you'll never get them to chase a stick.

  • Martin Unger 07/08/2005 0:19

    Don't you think that's a little harsh? Maybe she doesn't taste well? Or maybe she wants to eat the rabbit?
  • Rob Wells 07/08/2005 0:14

    Because she's a pillock !!
  • Martin Unger 07/08/2005 0:13

    Why? :)
  • Rob Wells 07/08/2005 0:10

    Well, my conclusion was that the fish should be fed to the rabbit...and then the rabbit should be marinated and cooked on a slow heat for 90 minutes. After its cooked, it should be thrown straight in the bin because rabbits taste disgusting.

    My friend disagreed.
  • Johannes S. 07/08/2005 0:09

    Really looks strange. But a rabbit isn´t useless. It destroys all your furniture on its own. And you don´t have to do it over years yourself.
  • Martin Unger 07/08/2005 0:04

    And what was the conclusion of your arguing? Maybe it all depends on the size? The rabbit seems to give more food in bad times?
    Good picture, good use of colors and (un)sharpness!
    Greetings, Martin