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My great great father during 1914-1918

My great great father during 1914-1918

1.592 3

Reynald Michel

Free Account, lannion

My great great father during 1914-1918

Drink to forget.

Commenti 3

  • Marc F. 06/02/2006 18:06

    @ Reynald: Thanks for the brief info. Picture is indeed a strong one...I like it very much. Good to know that your grandfather survived this desaster that time.
    French unit...must be, seeing the drum of red wine ;)

    Probably you saw this French movie last year in the cinema...I think "Mathilde" is the name. Nice movie with some good background information about the WW 1...also about their wine consumption *lol*


  • Reynald Michel 06/02/2006 10:13

    I don't have lot of informations about this picture. These soldiers are french and were in a light artillery unit. My great great father (in center) has survived to this butchery, fortunatly for my opa and me.

    Ein drink?
  • Marc F. 05/02/2006 12:05

    Ganz starkes Bild und kostbares Zeitdokument. Wundert mich, dass hier noch kaum jemand etwas angemerkt hat...???

    Kannst Du ein paar Zusatzinfos geben?

    Mich würde interessieren, wo genau das Bild entstand; für welche Armee/Einheit musste Dein Großvater sein Gewissen und seine Zukunft opfern?

