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My friend John the pirate

My friend John the pirate

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My friend John the pirate


I was very happy to meet again my old friend John.
In the good old days he earned his living together with my father as a pirate in the Malacca straits.
Unfortunately in his old days he is suffering from alcoholic dementia and forgot where he did dig the treasures he earned as pirate.
Only his hat was left as a reminder of former glorious days.
Nowadays he has to lead a very simple and quite poor life :-(.
Ein lichtblick in sein leben: er hat kein ärger nicht mehr mit sein frau.
Sie hat ihn "verlassen" zu den fischen wegen something similar like this:
If you meet him don't forget to give him some money so he can buy a ship to continue his former great career.
He will be very thankful.
Unfortunately wegen sein demenz er nämlich hat kein ahnung nicht mehr wo er hat gelassen sein piraten-schiff;-(
Normally he hangs around in Khao Sarn Road in Banglampoo, Bangkok.

Memories of my early days in old Singapore.........
Memories of my early days in old Singapore.........
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Commenti 12

  • saarhara 01/01/2011 10:34

    :) nice !!!!
  • s. sabine krause 06/10/2010 15:45

    i like his eyes, so sad and so full of mischief all at the same time – and so vividly awake, too! you must have caught him in one of his most sober, dementia-free moments ; )). love how the wrinkles around his buccaneer's mouth seemt to repeat the shape/outline of his hat – he must indeed have been wearing it a long time! the skull seems to have copied his shy wistful smile… great portrait! lg, sabine. p.s. oops, falsche language! hab jetzt aber keine lust mehr zum übersetzen…
  • Daniela Boehm 06/10/2010 10:48

    He is cool..LGDani
  • JOKIST 20/09/2010 21:36

    Sehr gut in Szene gesetzt !

    LG Ingrid und Hans
  • Achim L. 18/09/2010 16:34

    A lovely picture! Es gibt kein ehrbare Piraten mehr mit such decent appearance. He could well become the President of the Handwerkskammer for Pirates!
    Best regards, Achim
  • Carmen Mc Lean 18/09/2010 16:20

    Wie immer Spitze dein Foto, susammen mit Text etc.!
    Ciao Carmen
  • Runzelkorn 18/09/2010 15:00

    Sein Piratenschiff ist nach Somalia ausgewandert.
    Und dort wurde es sofort gekapert!
    Gruß, Christian
  • Nixgarnix 18/09/2010 12:12

    For Dich a schönes Weekend too, mein Friend :-)

    Nice Bild!!!

    Sawatdee khrap :-)
  • mike snead 18/09/2010 12:02

    what a character.

    tremendous portrait,bin.



  • Leolu 18/09/2010 11:31

    Klasse BEA, klasse Foto! Mußte nun echt schmunzeln und überleg aus welchem Wrack der die Mütz hat:-)) Steht ihm auf alle Fälle ausgesprochen gut!
  • Bin Im Laden 18/09/2010 11:26

    Please have a wonderful weekend.
