5.858 2

Sylvain Marcelle

Free Account, Ho Chi Minh ville

Mekong smiles

In the region of Cai Be, many small ferries propose you to cross the many arms of the Mekong River. During the crossing time, people are always curious to talk to you, to know you, what do you think of their country, to ensure that you love your trip. Moreover, if you ever get your camera, children love to have their picture taken and especially to see themselves on the screen. It's always a great time of fun. The people of the Mekong Delta are particularly welcoming and always curious with a lot of humor. This is one of my favorite places in Vietnam.

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Fotocamera Canon EOS Kiss F
Obiettivo Canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/160
Distanza focale 70.0 mm
ISO 200

Hanno messo mi piace