9.671 10

Romy Winkler

Free Account, Cottbus

* I love you *

*** Because I love you ***

I want to ...
be with you
protect you
keep you safe
keep you warm
tell you how much I care
be your shoulder to cry on
look deep into your eyes
kiss you every chance I get
hold you close when you are cold
put my arms around your waist
whisper in your ears
touch you softly
kiss you softly
caress you ...

I want you to be happy
I want you to know I am here for you

And I ...
stay up every night thinking about you
stand up for you in every situation
care about you
trust you
miss you
love you

I am sorry ...
if I ever ignored you
if I ever made you feel bad or put you down
for all the mean things I might have said
for all the things I did or didn't do
for everything wrong I have ever done

I love you ...
for who you are
because of the way you make me feel
because of your sweet personality
through bad and good times

~ von "Anki"

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