Hiroshi Naito

Free Account, Yawata

Su di me

I have lived in Kyoto, Japan from 1996 and taught IT Tech in University. In weekend I walk and take photos around Kyoto, Nara and Osaka.

My favorite themes are landscape with spiritual feeling and old Japanese culture. I am influenced with Atget, Robert Adams, Josef Sudek, Ikko Narahara and Tomatsu Syomei.

I use old film cameras such as Zeiss Ikon Contax, Hasselblad SWC and 500C/M, Veriwide 100 and Rolleiflex because I can take photos with all my heart.

The followings ara my photo gallarys. It's very happy for me that you leave any comments in English.


Please write comments at fotocommunity in English. Thanks.

Commenti 27

  • Tatiana Gutskova 23/02/2011 8:56

    Tatiana Gutskova
    Thanks for you comment.
    bw Tatiana
  • damirgavranovic 18/03/2010 18:51

    Thanks Hiroshi :)))
  • Kevin Jung 01/07/2009 16:20

    Hiroshi Naito san
    Thank you very much for your visiting and kind comment on my pic.
    Also I like your portfolio and mood on your pics.
    More comments and critics would be appreciated.
    Best Regards
  • Ritschratschklick 24/12/2007 16:37

    Hello Mr Naito

    I like your work, especialy the series you made.
    I hope you will continue this work in the future,
    so i can learn a bit more from you and your work.

  • Digitalclub Meranerland 31/10/2007 10:45

    Welcome to the FC. Greatings from Southtyrol - Italy. Markus
  • Piet Johan Vansevenant 26/07/2007 22:13


    Via one picture I discovered your portfolio on FC. Congratulations with your tender, expressive work.
    Kind regards, Piet.
  • Arion Gadd 11/09/2006 2:59

    Amazing pictures, the 'A night in the town' series is my favourite series of pictures.
  • Zsuzsanna Gácsi 01/05/2006 12:58

    Hello Hiroshi,
    I like a lot your urban photos in b&w... you have a great eye and sensibility.
  • Juan Esteban Tabares 27/04/2006 19:57

    Hi Mr Hiroshi.
    I have seen your gallery and i liked it vey much. You have a great eye, and those rythms in your composition with the lines that you discovered through the light on the surfaces and its shadows are splendid.
    I´m an architect too, I'm from Medelín, and about the present you'll give us, i hope it will be as good as your photography. In the very end, isn't architecture a secuence of photographies through which ones we walk
  • Michael Albat 07/02/2006 15:07

    I think, I should take some hours to see your pictures...

  • Dragomir Vukovic 17/12/2005 18:46

    just looked inside of your work again,
    with care,
  • Ertan ACIKALINLI 09/11/2005 16:14

    Konnichi wa Hiroshisama .
    O genki desu ka ?
    Anata no shashin ga totemo ii desu ...
    toku ni "Form and Substance(9) " soshite "Form and Substance(4) " watashi ni wa motto omoshiroi desu ..
    watashi wa mada benkyoshimasu ...
    O ki o tsukete kudasai ..
  • J Vogt 30/10/2005 15:17

    This one wakes my curiosity
    leaves (2)
    leaves (2)
    Hiroshi Naito

    and i find a photographer with a great sense for b&w photography

  • Hiroshi Naito 22/10/2005 18:09

    I have no power of controlling people stream. :-)
    At the night and weekend, a little people stay
    at business zone of the Osaka city.
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