this way I would like to express my biggest thanks to You for Your continuous participation in the votings !!! I know, I am quite late .... but (without looking for excuses) better late than never ;-)
Since You were present in my votings “quite often” ..... I want to spare to put all the photos here ;-)
Canan Oner 04/08/2008 8:22
Thanks Sol :)))))Have a lovly week...
Much hugs,
Laszlo (L.C.S.) 16/07/2008 20:20
Hello,this way I would like to express my biggest thanks to You for Your continuous participation in the votings !!! I know, I am quite late .... but (without looking for excuses) better late than never ;-)
Since You were present in my votings “quite often” ..... I want to spare to put all the photos here ;-)
Canan Oner 10/07/2008 23:54
Comy 04/06/2008 6:14
thanks...:)Simona Carli 26/05/2008 22:34
thanks Sol....kisses for you and your Baby!!! ^_^
Alexandru Valentin Iedu 23/05/2008 21:52
Dear Mile Sol,Again, thank you for your kind support on my photo.
All the best for you,
Claire L. 12/05/2008 12:01
Thank you so much for your vote...this little star made me very happy!
Muchas gracias!
Merci beaucoup!
Grazie mille!
Vielen tausend Dank!
aw masry 05/05/2008 16:48
hasanuddin airport
aw masryThanks in advance for your visit and comments. Much appreciated.
Best regards - aw masry
Maria João Arcanjo 05/05/2008 16:32
Thank you my fFriend.Beijinhos
DaDe Jelmini 05/05/2008 14:01
thanx Sol for your kind comment to my sweet little girl...now the second just came...and in some months i'll put both:-))hugs
DaDe JelminiSimona Carli 04/05/2008 19:23
thanks dear Sol....kisses from Naples!!!Alexandru Valentin Iedu 22/04/2008 3:13
Dear Sol,Thank you very much for your kind support ...
All the best,
Canan Oner 17/04/2008 17:15
Thanks a lot Sol !!!!Much love,
Canan Oner 10/04/2008 22:21
Thank you so much Sol...Best wishes,
Simona Carli 10/04/2008 20:24
ehehe sweet but Big feet!! :-))