Pozer Katalin - Fotos & Foto - Autrice di Budapest, Ungheria | fotocommunity Profilo di Pozer Katalin - Fotografa Pozer Katalin di Budapest, Ungheria [fc-user:1133121] - Dear Friends, Unfortunately recently I have not enough time
Dear Friends,
Unfortunately recently I have not enough time to be here everyday and comment your marvellous images. What is more, I have less time to take pics, as well. But I'll try to follow your activities as many times as I only can.
Photography is my forgotten hobby. Recently I try to rediscover it.
Here I should write about my mission and the gorgeousness of photography, etc.
But I do not do this.
I think that the target of taking photos is not to show the world we live in, but a kind of way to introduce ourself. Motivation as we choose the subject, the manner as we shot the camera –shows only who we are.
The world is shown by all of us as we try to open our souls and minds through these pictures. Eventually, our pictures take after the world we live in… or the world takes after us…? :-)
Maybe my pictures are not so professional, but they are mine and show my thoughts, the clime I live in.
I hope you will find better and better pictures here, so herewith I ask you to tell me your opinion whether good or bad :-) :-( but I would like to ask you to say why that is your opinion. Let me learn and discuss about it.
And many thanks for your visit my profile...
My camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ8
I would like to ask you not to write to say thank you here, but it would be very appreciated to receive your comment to one of my pics.
Your opinion is very important for me in order to learn more.
But I also like quick messages. I will answer it.
Canan Oner 01/01/2011 13:25
Fons van Swaal 01/01/2011 12:13
Mark Billiau. 31/12/2010 11:30
I wish you a great and happy 2011, Katalin.All the best !
Bye Bye 2010 !
Mark Billiau.myoxus 24/12/2010 15:35
Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket és boldog Ùj Èvet!Üdv!
Anca Silvia B. 22/12/2010 9:51
Adele D. Oliver 22/12/2010 2:06
Best wishes for you and your loved ones forA Peaceful and Joyous Christmas
Adele D. Olivergreetings, Adele
Corry K. 21/12/2010 18:48
Dir auch ...lg Corry
Deryck 20/12/2010 22:00
Charly Roggow 20/12/2010 16:46
ich wünsche dir ein schönes und friedliches WeihnachtsfestLG Charly
Kaith Kakavouli 19/12/2010 13:58
Fons van Swaal 18/12/2010 13:31
Canan Oner 12/12/2010 23:25
Canan Oner 24/11/2010 10:07
Thank you so much dear Kati...Hugs,
Canan Oner 03/11/2010 10:10
Thank you so much Kati..Hugs,
Fons van Swaal 28/10/2010 11:27
Thanks for the support.......;-))
It's much appreciated...
Best regards,