Su di me
Instant memories! that's what photography is all about for me. I enjoy taking photos out in nature, visiting diffrent corners of our Mother Earth.
My first camera was a very basic one: Smena; those who lived in the Soviet block know what I mean... It was difficult to set up and limited in optics. Latter on I bought my first SLR a Zenith E model. This time was a bitt more but still not enough...
At the moment I play with a Sony W12 but Nikon D70 is my goal!
My first camera was a very basic one: Smena; those who lived in the Soviet block know what I mean... It was difficult to set up and limited in optics. Latter on I bought my first SLR a Zenith E model. This time was a bitt more but still not enough...
At the moment I play with a Sony W12 but Nikon D70 is my goal!
Krishan Kk 30/08/2007 12:59
how are you .....? im krishan gupta, an artist and have a small gallery in udaipur, india. i want to be in touch with you......some of my works include oil paintings on canvas and water colours paintings( realistic and contemporary) .waiting to hear from you soon.
kind regards,
krishan gupta.
Emil Maga 01/03/2007 6:13
You got that right, two other guys had a forced-landing into those trees and I can assure you that it wasn't a pleasant ride for them ......beginers :) anyway, 10x for your comment onParagliding
Emil MagaI salute you,
Antonio Amen 15/01/2007 18:31
Thank you.What do you mean about," Should be in the Gallery"
I do not know nothing about
Giorgos Fidanas 13/01/2007 7:23
Thank for the comments Ioan. Keep up the magical imagery.Robyn Raggio 12/01/2007 23:27
Ioan,Thank you so very much for your kind comments on my image "Mouth". I love old cars, and junk of any kind. Rust definitely rules my world!
Thanks again,
Tamara Trejo 10/01/2007 4:52
Thanks for your comment. TTTahar Jmyi 28/12/2006 11:19
hallo Farcasthanks for your comment
Antonio Amen 27/10/2006 10:38
Thank you so much for your comment.Greetings
Anca Alecu 27/10/2006 10:21
You should see it for real...If you like oldies music and cocktails.Fifties are gone
Anca AlecuThanks for your comment,
regards, Lukas
Bogac Erguvenc 10/09/2006 15:44
Thanks for your comment,Cheers
Splash of Light
Bogac ErguvencStefanos Lampridis 02/09/2006 18:33
Hello thanks for the comment. I aprieciate it.ck_048
Stefanos LampridisMark Johnston 07/07/2006 8:11
Thanks for the comment on night lights. Its actually Rome, but hopefully I'll get further east in the next couple of years.superilii 26/06/2006 9:30
Thanks for visiting meAntonella Taddei 15/06/2006 11:33
Thank you very much Ioan, even if it's not a Sepia Shot!I used a digital camera in normal RGB. : )
Antonella from Italy
Silhouette di Airone
Antonella TaddeiArnold Vancea 05/04/2006 12:51
Multam mult pentru comentarii. ;)Arnold