Su di me

Instant memories! that's what photography is all about for me. I enjoy taking photos out in nature, visiting diffrent corners of our Mother Earth.
My first camera was a very basic one: Smena; those who lived in the Soviet block know what I mean... It was difficult to set up and limited in optics. Latter on I bought my first SLR a Zenith E model. This time was a bitt more but still not enough...
At the moment I play with a Sony W12 but Nikon D70 is my goal!

Commenti 37

  • Krishan Kk 30/08/2007 12:59

    how are you .....? im krishan gupta, an artist and have a small gallery in udaipur, india. i want to be in touch with you......some of my works include oil paintings on canvas and water colours paintings( realistic and contemporary) .
    waiting to hear from you soon.
    kind regards,

    krishan gupta.
  • Emil Maga 01/03/2007 6:13

    You got that right, two other guys had a forced-landing into those trees and I can assure you that it wasn't a pleasant ride for them ......beginers :) anyway, 10x for your comment on
    Emil Maga

    I salute you,
  • Antonio Amen 15/01/2007 18:31

    Thank you.
    What do you mean about," Should be in the Gallery"
    I do not know nothing about
  • Giorgos Fidanas 13/01/2007 7:23

    Thank for the comments Ioan. Keep up the magical imagery.
  • Robyn Raggio 12/01/2007 23:27

    Thank you so very much for your kind comments on my image "Mouth". I love old cars, and junk of any kind. Rust definitely rules my world!
    Thanks again,
  • Tamara Trejo 10/01/2007 4:52

    Thanks for your comment. TT
  • Tahar Jmyi 28/12/2006 11:19

    hallo Farcas
    thanks for your comment
  • Antonio Amen 27/10/2006 10:38

    Thank you so much for your comment.
  • Anca Alecu 27/10/2006 10:21

    You should see it for real...If you like oldies music and cocktails.
    Fifties are gone
    Fifties are gone
    Anca Alecu

    Thanks for your comment,
    regards, Lukas
  • Bogac Erguvenc 10/09/2006 15:44

    Thanks for your comment,
    Splash of Light
    Splash of Light
    Bogac Erguvenc
  • Stefanos Lampridis 02/09/2006 18:33

    Hello thanks for the comment. I aprieciate it.
    Stefanos Lampridis
  • Mark Johnston 07/07/2006 8:11

    Thanks for the comment on night lights. Its actually Rome, but hopefully I'll get further east in the next couple of years.
  • superilii 26/06/2006 9:30

    Thanks for visiting me
  • Antonella Taddei 15/06/2006 11:33

    Thank you very much Ioan, even if it's not a Sepia Shot!
    I used a digital camera in normal RGB. : )
    Antonella from Italy
    Silhouette di Airone
    Silhouette di Airone
    Antonella Taddei
  • Arnold Vancea 05/04/2006 12:51

    Multam mult pentru comentarii. ;)

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