Su di me

My name is Gunnlaugur Örn Valsson and I am a self-tought photographer and I do belive that the mountains , the harsh landscape and the weather I grew up with have a significant influence on my work.I have a passion for landscape photography and monochrome as well.
All my photographic images are copyright. All rights are reserved. Do not use, copy or edit any of my photographs without my written permission. The utilization in other web pages without the express written consent of the author is prohibited. If you want to use my photo for commercial or private use, please contact me on

Commenti 5

  • Bragi Ingibergsson - BRIN 03/01/2015 17:35

    Takk fyrir innlitið Gunnlaugur og góð orð um myndirnar mínar. Þú ert sjálfur með margar góðar í þínu galleríi. Bkv. Bragi
  • Favaretto Mario 22/12/2014 10:15

    beautiful image emphasized by the soft colors and slow times . congratulations, ciao Mario
  • Adele D. Oliver 22/12/2014 1:55

    Greetings and a warm welcome to our international and crazy world. I wish you a lot of enjoyment from showing us your images and seeing the photos of others - and I hope that on the way you will make some new friends !!!
    best wishes from Vancouver,
    Channel Manager Nature
  • GulliVals 21/12/2014 23:02

    Thank you Mauro :-)
  • Mauro Tomassetti 21/12/2014 17:52

    Welcome to FC international and i hope that you enjoy here!
    Mauro Tomassetti
    FC International Team!
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