Happy New Year 2011 Foto % Immagini| greeting cards, happy new year, my pictures 2010 Foto su fotocommunity
Happy New Year 2011 Foto & Immagine di Tad Kanazaki ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Alexandru Valentin Iedu 09/01/2011 3:36
Happy New Year !!!All the best for 2011 !!!
Kind regards,
Pascal Viyer 06/01/2011 4:50
Une très Bonne Année 2011amitié
Françoise P 05/01/2011 23:07
Je te souhaite tout ce qu'il y a de meilleur pour cette nouvelle annéeBiz
TFR 05/01/2011 22:43
Happy new year to you as well dear Tad.Robert
Manno San 05/01/2011 15:17
Thank you! I wish you good luck and health and happy new yearIInez Correia Marques 03/01/2011 18:27
Happy New yeat Tad. I wish you all the best as for your loved ones. Ciaoi
Silvia Simonato. 03/01/2011 13:39
Bonita imagen para iniciar el año!!!Muchas felicidades para ti en este año nuevo!!
Saludos Silva
DRAGA PUC 03/01/2011 0:17
HNY!bernardo braccini 02/01/2011 21:33
Happy new year Tad !Wonderful picture !!!!!!
Canan Oner 02/01/2011 14:53
Thank you so much Tad....Have a wonderful 2011.
jhc 02/01/2011 13:41
Arigatōgozaimashita! For you too!Akemashite omedetōgozaimasu
silvermist 02/01/2011 12:54
Happy new year!Thank you for New years card. from silvermist Tokyo Japan.
Marco K. aus HH 02/01/2011 11:33
:) thank you very much, happy new year to you!!!!!!greetings marco
Elvina Benoist-Audiau 02/01/2011 10:17
Bonne Année 2011 !
Elvina Benoist-AudiauI wish you a very Happy Nex Year to you and family ! Elvi
s. sabine krause 02/01/2011 9:31
thank you! and happy new year to you, too! greetings, sabine.