• ann mari cris aschieri 20/11/2022 11:44

    Thank you, Ansgar, how I would have loved to be an open air painter....
  • Ansgar Leuthner 20/11/2022 12:36

    ...during my numerous trips through Greece or Portugal I made lots of watercolour-paintings - all in "open air". Mostly you're sitting not comfortably, it's hot and you need a hat and something against a sun-tan, a bit of water, not only for painting but for drinking is absolutely necessary...and after one or two hours your picture is done, you're also....but after all you are happy and then you can have a fine dinner and a good wine...A little excerpt of the life of an open-air-painter....:-)) Ciao, cara sorella! Love & Peace!
  • ann mari cris aschieri 23/11/2022 16:09

    ...and also people standing behind you, observing your work and asking questions about your technique, perspective and colors..  ahahaha
    Could you post one or two? I’m curious...