Su di me
Profil Foto: Barbara Neider
My Blog: My parents gave me my first camera when I was 12, and I have been photographing since then. I had a 10 year pause untill Digital blew me away & I found all the things I wanted to try with analog were easier, faster & much much much cheaper with digital.
I went through various stages of P&S, and now have a Canon R6 II. My favourite areas of photography are, portrait, akt, landscape, sports and anything else I can find. I do a lot of stock photography, and this helps pay for this hungry habbit.
Now me: I was born in New Zealand, and now live in Munich. Married, 2 children. Can read & speak German, but my written German shows me how bad my grammer is :-(
My Blog: My parents gave me my first camera when I was 12, and I have been photographing since then. I had a 10 year pause untill Digital blew me away & I found all the things I wanted to try with analog were easier, faster & much much much cheaper with digital.
I went through various stages of P&S, and now have a Canon R6 II. My favourite areas of photography are, portrait, akt, landscape, sports and anything else I can find. I do a lot of stock photography, and this helps pay for this hungry habbit.
Now me: I was born in New Zealand, and now live in Munich. Married, 2 children. Can read & speak German, but my written German shows me how bad my grammer is :-(
Bernhard Pilz 09/01/2015 16:05
Very pretty - I think you have to do some uploads - new stuff..... 2013, 2014, 2015....:) GreatingsStefan Bartoschek 15/12/2013 20:43
Hi Peter,i'm here too....
see you tomorow!!
Hannah Elizabeth Tilt 11/07/2012 9:53
Hi Peter,Thanks for your comment, in English !!! It was interesting to read about you in your profile. I live in Germany but come from England and I speak German but sometimes it´s nice to write in my mother tongue! :-)
Great checking out your gallery, you have some very nice stuff!
Best wishes, Hannah
Bernd Spittel 22/12/2011 22:41
hey peter.merry christmas for you and your familiy and happy new year.
best regards.
Holger Stumvoll 07/01/2011 8:35
Hallo Peter,es hat mich sehr gefreut, Dich gestern im Rahmen des Münchner fc-Stammtisches kennengelernt zu haben. Neben dem Austausch über viele fotografische Themen fand ich vor allem Deine Erzählungen über Dein Heimatland Neuseeland sehr interessant. Ich hoffe, dass ich selbst bald die Möglichkeit zu einer Reise dorthin haben werde!
Viele Grüße
Bernd Spittel 30/12/2009 17:52
hey indiana jones :)ich wünsche dir einen guten rutsch ins neue jahr!
komm gut rein!
bis montag!
vlg bernd
MAY-HDR 04/08/2009 18:10
it´s so cooooool, yeeaaahhLg Mandy
Barbara Neider 25/07/2009 18:47
Hey - you've done it !!!!!My picture - thank you Peter
Emotional Life Photography 01/04/2009 11:48
Wirklich wundeschöne sehr ausdrucksstarke Bilder...Liebe Grüße
Isa ;-)
RonaldJ 03/09/2008 14:32
Hallo Peter,Deine Fotogalerie ist schon sehr beeindruckend. Vor allem Dein letztes "Werkstattshooting" ist klasse, aber auch die Carpics sind stark.
Schönen Gruß und bis zum nächsten Stammtisch.
RonaldJMelanCHOLie 01/08/2008 0:13
HeyyyI think this song is very nice !!
almost perfect =)
I hope to see u soon again !!
Freeze frame 30/11/2007 10:24
So, jetzt habe ich dich auch gefunden! Du hast eine sehr interessante Sichtweise der Welt!LG
B.B. Passion of Photography 02/07/2007 15:22
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Fucker....nice to meet you!!!
Hope to see you again another Time with the other Fucker...
Béné Fucker...:)
Alexander Max Maier 14/06/2007 8:46
hi,tolles portfolio, glückwunsch.
schöne grüße aus ulm, alex
ps. ->
Lissy Lissy 22/12/2006 23:30
Hallo Peter!I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!
Santa Claus is coming to town
Lissy Lissy