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  • Fénis 03/04/2023 13:53

    I have always flown in the past, then on a trip to France there was a very severe disruption, the plane was chartered (as it often is on those organized trips) and seemed to be made of cardboard. We all got very scared.... The plane seemed to rip apart.
  • Manfred Ludwig 03/04/2023 14:00

    Kennst Du den Song "I love you" von den Wings (Paul McCartney)? Ich war 1976 einige Wochen in den USA, und da wurde dieser Song Tag und Nacht übertragen, egal welchen Sender man wählte. Gerade auf langen Autostrecken war dieser Song sehr beflügelnd, ich konnte nicht genug davon bekommen ;-)
  • Fénis 03/04/2023 14:26

    Manfred, may Introduce you Helmut -  a new friend of our secret club?
    We'll 'have fun together'! :-)
    We'll 'have fun together'! :-)
  • Manfred Ludwig 03/04/2023 14:31

    I remember a flight from Tenerife to Africa, the cardboard-plane started and stopped and needed a more than 2 hours repair. Many people didn't enter again, me too.
    Another flight from Gran Canaria home could not start in time, first had to wait for spare parts from Germany. When it started at night, there was a very strong storm. When we arrived at Frankfort airport, many people said never to fly again.
    When I took my parents with to the USA, mother was afraid, but then she was so happy to have seen nice places in the States. 
    Don't be afraid, sometimes planes arrive ;-)