Creare video con Nikon D5200

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SimonaFotografa SimonaFotografa Messaggio 1 di 3
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Ciao a tutti.
So che si posson creare video con le reflex. Non ne ho mai fatti e vorrei capire come poter riuscire a farli.
Io possiedo una Nikon D5200 cosa devo fare per poter fare un video?
bakerjohn2212 bakerjohn2212 Messaggio 2 di 3
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I am a video editor and when i create any video with my Nikon camera, i always upload them to cloud storage. When i do that, i always use VPN which i got from as it keeps my data safe while uploading videos to cloud storage.
jenni kaur jenni kaur Messaggio 3 di 3
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I am Professional video creator. I used the nikon camera to record a video I remembered when I got my first project of the digital signature importance ( ... signature/). that's time I was a little bit trouble making use of it. after sometimes, I am familiar with it.
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